Thursday, April 24, 2014

50+ How to use affirmation cards to build Positive self-esteem?

Another good way to focus on the positive in your life is to make up some affirmation cards and place them in places where you will see them often.

What are affirmation cards?
These forms of affirmation are words, phrases, or statements written on 3 x 5 index cards and placed where you can see them daily and be reminded of positive aspects about you. Every time you see these affirmation cards they will remind you to affirm yourself about these positive qualities or attributes. State all affirmations in a positive way. Overcome low self-esteem and beat the negative inner voice messages.

Where is the best place to put affirmation cards?
Here are some places to put your affirmation cards:
mirror in bathroom dashboard of car
mirror on dresser desk at office
closet door desk at home
refrigerator door in your wallet
front door in your brief case
bedroom door in books you use at work or school
at your telephone

Add-ons to improve basic affirmation statements:
Try some of these words to put on your affirmation cards:
bright capable
creative strong
intelligent beautiful
smart giving
quick peaceful
loving hopeful
caring responsible
successful problem solver
calm quiet
pretty handsome
relaxed enjoyable

Consider some of these phrases as well: think happy take it easy
be calm think wisely
take action work smart
do it take the time
do it now have fun
be a winner relax and enjoy
take a risk sit back
dare to be different step back
seize the blessing take the lead
get in control give them space
let go believe in me
let them be trust in me
let it be enjoy good health

Remind yourself you must remain positive in all situations
Affirmation statements can also be used to remind yourself that you are worthy and that you need to remain positive in all situations. 

I can be a winner. I am the best friend I have.
I have solved problems like this before.
I have the ability to handle this.
I am a capable human being.
I deserve to love and to be loved.
I am a skillful and artistic person.
I can show others a good example.
Letting go is best for them and for me.
They will thank me in the future.
Nothing is worth losing my sanity over.
I am responsible only for my own feelings.
I owe no one explanations for my behavior, which is legally, morally, and ethically correct.
I deserve to have my rights recognized.
I am a deserving human being.
I deserve to enjoy the fruits of my labor.
I deserve to be rewarded for what I do.
I love myself for who I am.
It is OK to be selfish if I don't hurt anyone.
I like the way I handle problems.
I am able to handle any problem I face.
I have the right to feel the way I do.
My children will benefit from my healthy changes.
My children will survive my healthy changes.
My family will benefit from my relaxing more.
I deserve to relax more and take it easy.
There are beautiful things happening in my life daily.
I experience the excitement of growth daily.
Change is a blessing I am working toward.
Taking risks is the path to growth.
I grow in love daily.
I face each new day as a race to be won.
I am winning in the race of life.
I am a rich treasure ready to be found.
Let others know who I am.
Say hello to a new person today.
Open up to be loved today.
Be responsible. Relax!
Letting go is loving
You will be free of guilt today.
To be loved I must love.
God does not make junk.
There are opportunities in life to be tried.
My possibilities are endless.
Success is to be enjoyed.
Open myself up with one new person today.
Belief in self is a step toward personal growth.
I can handle all changes that come my way.
There is nothing I cannot handle.
Smile and let others in on the secret.

When you make a conscious effort to put these positive affirmations into your daily routine, you will be well on the way toward lifting your self-esteem and realizing your full potential as a meaningful and wonderful person!

There are so many other steps you can to raise your self-esteem and become everything you were meant to be. Let’s move on!

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