Friday, April 18, 2014

10+ qualities what is healthy self esteem person looks like?

What is healthy self esteem?
What does a person with healthy self-esteem look like?  

These people exhibit the following qualities.
·        Hold themselves as worthy to be loved and to love others, worthy to be cared for and to care for others, worthy to be nurtured and to nurture others, worthy to be touched and supported and to touch and support others, worthy to be listened to and to listen to others, worthy to be recognized and to recognize others, worthy to be encouraged and to encourage others, worthy to be reinforced as "good" people and to recognize others as "good" people.

·        Have a productive personality; they have achieved success to the best of their ability in school, work, and society.
·        Are capable of being creative, imaginative problem solvers; of being risk takers, optimistic in their approach to life and in the attainment of their personal goals.

·        Are leaders and are skillful in dealing with people.  They are neither too independent nor too dependent on others. They have the ability to size up a relationship and adjust to the demands of the interaction.

·        Have a healthy self-concept.  Their perception of themselves is in synchrony with the picture of themselves they project to others.
·        Are able to state clearly who they are, what their future potential is, and to what they are committed in life.  They are able to declare what they deserve to receive in their lifetime.

·        Are able to accept the responsibility for and consequences of their actions.  They do not resort to shifting the blame or using others as scapegoats for actions that have resulted in a negative outcome.

·        Are altruistic.  They have a legitimate concern for the welfare of others.  They are not self-centered or egotistical in their outlook on life.  They do not take on the responsibility for others in an over-responsible way.  They help others accept the responsibility for their own actions. They are; however, always ready to help anyone who legitimately needs assistance or guidance.

·        Have healthy coping skills.  They are able to handle the stresses in their lives in a productive way.  They are able to put the problems, concerns, issues, and conflicts that come their way into perspective.  They are able to keep their lives in perspective without becoming too idealistic or too morose.  They are survivors in the healthiest sense of the word.  They have a good sense of humor and are able to keep a balance of work and fun in their lives.

·        Look to the future with excitement, a sense of adventure and optimism.  They recognize their potential for success and visualize their success in the future.  They have dreams, aspirations, and hopes for the future.   

·        They are goal-oriented with a sense of balance in working toward their goals.  They know from where they have come, where they are now, and where they are going.

Does this sound like someone you want to be like?  
Well, it can be!  
There are so many steps you can take to raise your self-worth and stop suffering from low self-esteem.  
You will be a much better person for it and enjoy a wonderfully fulfilling life.

From all of those the first point we need to address is your inner voice. but it is the next article, be with me. 

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