Thursday, April 17, 2014

11 True and False quiz tell you if you have low self-esteem


While you might already have a good indication that you are suffering from low self-esteem, it might be a good idea to explore this a little further.
Take this simple quiz.
Self-Esteem Assessment
Directions:    Answer T if the statement is true for you.  Answer F if the statement is false for you.  

T  F     I am able to discuss my good points, skills, abilities,
           achievements, and successes with others.  
T  F     I assert myself with someone whom I believe is
           violating or ignoring my rights.  
T  F     I am content with who I am, how I act, and what I
           do in life.            
T  F     I am not bothered by feelings of insecurity or anxiety
           when I meet people for the first time.  
T  F     My life is balanced between work, family life, social
           life, recreation/leisure, and spiritual life.  
T  F     I am aware of the roles I played in my family of
           origin and have usually been able to make these
           behavior patterns work for me in my current life.  
T  F     I am bonded with the significant others in
           my environment at home, work, school, at play, or in
           the community.  
T  F     I am able to perform the developmental tasks
           necessary to ensure my ongoing healthy self-esteem.
T  F     I am satisfied with my level of achievement at
           school, work, home, and in the community.  
T  F     I am a good problem solver; my thinking is not
           clouded by irrational beliefs or fears.  
T  F     I am willing to experience conflict, if necessary
           to protect my rights.

                      If you selected F for three or more of the preceding questions, you probably need to work at increasing your self-esteem.  That’s what we’re here for!  But that comes a little later!

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