There are many, many indicators that a person has low
self-esteem. Previously we discussed sources of low self-esteem, here.
But How to know if you have low self-esteem character consider this list.
People with low self-esteem:
Consider themselves lost,
unworthy of being cared for
Are poor risk takers
Operate out of a fear of
Are typically unassertive
in their behavior with others
Are fearful of conflict
with others
Are hungry for the
approval of others
Are poor problem solvers
fraught with irrational beliefs and have a tendency to think irrationally
Are susceptible to all
kinds of fears
Have a tendency to
become emotionally stuck and immobilized
a poor "track record" in school or on the job; conversely, they
sometimes over compensate and become over-achievers
Are unable to affirm or
to reinforce themselves positively
unable to make an honest assessment of their strengths, qualities, and good points; they find it difficult
to accept compliments or recognition from others
poorly defined self-identities with a tendency to be chameleons in order to fit
in with others
Are insecure, anxious,
and nervous when they are with others
become overcome with anger about their status in life and are likely to have chronic hostility or
chronic depression
easily overcome with despair and depression when they experience a setback or
loss in their lives
a tendency to overreact and become de-energized by resentment, anger, and the
desire for revenge against those whom they believe have not fully accepted them
roles in their families of origin that are counter-productive and maladaptive. These roles carry over into their adult lives
vulnerable to mental health problems and have a propensity to use addictive
behavior to medicate their hurt and pain.
Such addictive behavior can include alcohol, drugs, food, gambling, sex,
shopping, smoking, working too much, or the search for excitement, truth,
wisdom, and a guru with an easy guide to the achievement of happiness
Kind of
overwhelming, isn't it? Do you recognize
yourself in any of these statements?
Don’t feel alone. Actually, low
self-esteem is actually quite a widespread problem. And if you suffer from this problem, it can
cause some more – even serious – problems.
Low self-esteem can have devastating consequences.
It can create anxiety, stress,
loneliness and increased likelihood for depression.
It can cause problems with
friendships and relationships.
It can seriously impair academic and
job performance.
It can lead to underachievement and
increased vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse.
Worst of all, these negative consequences
themselves reinforce the negative self-image and can take a person into a
downward spiral of lower and lower self-esteem and increasingly non-productive
or even actively self-destructive behavior.
There are actually three “faces” that people with low self-esteem wear. Read the next Article.
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